Pre-Anniversary Service
Exodus 4:10-17 (NKJV)

God doesn’t want us sitting on the sidelines or in the back. He doesn’t want us to be spectators, not managers of ministry, but partners in ministry. God is looking for men and women to speak up and stand up. Don’t be afraid. God wants us to tell the world that Jesus still saves. We know what God is calling us to do but because of fear and thoughts of inadequacies we don’t do.

God is not looking for perfect people, but he’s looking for faithful people. Fear and faith cannot occupy the same space. Roll with the quakes. We have been uniquely designed by God and when the storms come, we are able to withstand it and roll with it. God brings us to the assignment. You hear the call but are shaken. Don’t ever count yourself out. Don’t ever write yourself out of the script. If God made me anything is possible. Hear God say that’s why I chose you. It’s not your past it’s going to be alright. Stop trying to make excuses and just hear God say go. Whatever God want to make happen; he’ll cause to happen. God will take care of you.

*God knows our flaws
*God makes provisions for the flaws
*God keeps his promise to the flaws.
